Muri uyu mwaka w’ 2012, nkwifurije kubana neza nka Museveni na Kagame, kuzamuka mu ntera nka Pierre Damien, Imana izakurinde igihombo nk’icya ONATRACOM, cyangwa ngo wibagirane nka Rwandatel. Business zawe zizagabe amashami nk’aya BK, Ukundwe nka, ibyiza byawe bizagaragare nka Kigali City Tower, uzajye ugisha inama ibyemezo byawe bitazata agaciro nk’akanozasuku ka moto. Akazi nikakunanira uzagire ubutwari nk’ubwa Sellas Tetteh, wegure nka Kazura, uhare cash nka Kalisa. Uzirinde guhubuka nk’Urukiko rw’Arusha ; nubona wakoze amakosa ntukagorane nka Ingabire Victoire, uzisubireho usabe imbabazi nka Pierre Céléstin Rwigema. Noheli Nziza n’Umwaka Mushya Muhire.
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Rwanda Students at CBU
When one takes a look around him in CBU, finds Rwandan students almost everywhere. There are found in all living places, classrooms, and many other places. The question may be asked about them. Who are they? How did they get here? Why are they here? And so many other questions that have been found the answer in this article. “Rwanda is a small country in the heart of Africa, located in East of Africa” said by Patrick Nsengiyumva when he was talking about the location of Rwanda Country. “We came here after being selected among of top smartest students in my country who have excelled in National examination. These students have to be studied sciences in their high school” Patrick. Patrick Nsengiyumva who has been a leader of Rwandan students here at CBU for a year has explained and answered some of these asked questions.
These students they have passed several tests before being admitted to come and study at CBU. As Patrick explained, they have to study sciences in High school. These sciences include Mathematics and physics or Biology and Chemistry. To graduate from High school, they have to pass national examination which is not easy as Patrick explained. After the results were being published they choose the top ones who have studied sciences, and give them several other tests including English proficiency as they will be studying in Anglophone country. “After being selected some universities from USA, including CBU, come and choose students who will study in their schools. The selection was based on the results of TOEFL (test of English as foreign language).” Patrick said. “They gave us a written test and interviews, and a few of us were selected to study at CBU. Then, here we are.” Patrick explained that the selection was fair and intelligent.
The objective of sending students abroad is one of the ways Rwanda has chose to rebuild the country after 1994 Genocide of Tutsi. “Our country chose to improve science and technology as the key of development of its community. That is the reason why it is sending its youth intelligent students to study abroad in developed country where laboratories and didactic materials are rich and available” said Patrick. Arriving here at CBU, these students are enrolled in different majors of sciences and Engineering. “Most of us are in engineering majors such as Electrical computer engineering, civil engineering, and general engineering. The other Rwandan students are enrolled in sciences majors such as Biology-premedical, Chemistry, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, and Health science” Explained by Patrick.
Although they come from the same country, these students studied to different high schools and are from different region of the country. Despites that, they interact one another. They are well organized, and officially meet every month. “Since we were informed that we will come to study at the same university, CBU, were excited. We were not known one another but we tried to get to know each other before coming here. In addition to that, arriving here, we keep being close friends and doing our best to help one another. Moreover, we hang out when the time allows, we do homework together, we eat in the same place in cafeteria, and we watch movies together in our free time, “Corine Bazoza, a freshman Rwandan student. She continued explain the way the live in community life. “We are like a family. We have a leader, and we meet monthly to celebrate all birthdays of that month, and discuss about anything academic or social” said by Corine. All the above mentioned by Corine show how Rwandan students do not live egoism life, nor lonely one. They stay together academically and socially.
The interaction of Rwandan students is not limited to themselves. They interact with the other students at CBU. They share the same apartments, classes, and work with American students and the other international students. In all the areas they are, they interact well and all the people they interact with, they like the way they behave. “I love how Rwandan are friendly, welcoming, and they always greet you when you meet with them in their way walking even when you don’t know each other”. Said Cara Muray, a junior in English major and global studies as minor. Cara is an American student who lived in the same apartment with two Rwandan students. She found them as good roommates and friends, and she likes the way all Rwandans interact with the other people. “I think that there is a genuine love and care in the heart of Rwandan. They way they listen to one another and they way they interact with other students. I can tell that Rwandan students made a difference at CBU“said Cara. Cara keeps explaining the good behavior he found in Rwandan students which impressed her to go and see Rwanda in the last summer. In three years I have been here, I saw a big difference made by them. I like when I see them hanging out with the other students” Cara. She really appreciates the interaction of Rwandan student between them and with the other students. Moreover, as a Christian lady who loves different cultures, she revealed that nothing can prohibit her to be in relationship and later get married with a Rwandan guy. “I love the way they behave. Moreover, whoever God provides to you, the skin color or the culture would not be barriers to prevent me get married with them” Cara.
Rwandan students are not only involved in academic stuff, they also get involved in different other activities available on campus. Either working or volunteering, they are found in almost all departments of CBU. “You will find us in many working areas, such as library helping other students to find books and use computers and printer and fax. You will also find Rwandan students in ARC (Academic Resources center) tutoring students especially in sciences courses. We also are available in ADC (Alumni Dinning Common) helping any preparing and serving food. We pretty much are everywhere” Corine. She said that they also are involved in other activities such as Christian Challenge ministries, and other spiritual life activities. “We also get involved in volunteering activities such hospitals and churches. Students who are in Premedical program, they volunteer at Riverside Community Hospital. The other who have permanent churches, they volunteer there like in setting up the chairs and cleaning” Corine said.
Rwandan students attend churches close or far from CBU. Although there misconception that African people do not know Jesus, Rwandan students are Christians and catholic. They knew jesus before they came here, but they grow up spiritually due to the good environment provided by the Christian University, CBU. “Beside the chapel that we all CBU students attend, we also attend different churches on Sundays. Some of us attend Sandals’ Church, Magnolia Baptist Church, Sandals Church, harvest Church and St Thomas Catholic Church. Myself and few others,we attend Colton Community Church” said Methode Maniraguha. Methode is one of Rwandan students and he is in electrical and computer engineering. He continues to explain how CUB has improved their relationship with God, the change they make in terms or spiritual life, and the way they are growing up in faith. “Actually, many people think that in Africa we do not know Jesus and God. But me and most of other Rwandan student who are here we knew Jesus before, and we were baptized in his name, we were so called born again. But when you asked about any change or improvement, I may tell you that CBU has influenced our growing up in faith. It is a good place with Christian professors, faculty members and other workers. It provides chapel and the other opportunities to help us grow and progress in faith. In addition to what CBU offers, we go to different churches around the school. Me personally, I attend Colton Community church. At this church, we have organized the international worship with Indonesians. The other students attend Magnolia Baptist Church, Sandals Church, harvest Church and St Thomas Catholic Church. We really enjoy the spiritual life and we are growing up the day after day” Method. These students are not closed in small area of CBU. They also adjust with the environment, either in Riverside city, state of California and other states, and in the other countries. As Methode explained, they travel around and far from CBU even in the other countries during the breaks. They have a lot of friends in different cities and states. “We are not locked in the same place, campus. We go out of to the churches, we have friends that we visit off campus, we go to the other states and the other countries to visits our friends and relatives during the break. We really travel a lot, making new friends” said Methode.
Hopefully many of questions one would ask himself about are answered, and more information about them will be provided as you will need them.
Transgenic Plants
These two articles, Transgenic pollen harms monarch larvae, and Monarch Bt-corn paper questioned, are controversial and both talk about the experiments done on monarch larvae fed on milkweed leaves dusted with pollen from N4640-Bt corn(a commercial variety containing a gene for an insecticidal Bacillus thuringiensis protein as a defense against infestation with the European corn borer). These articles talk about the publication of peer-reviewed scientific publication which indicates that transgenic pollen kills larvae of the monarch butterfly. This paper caused contrasting responses among plant scientists and representatives of life science companies around the world. In their experiments and publication, John E. Losey, Linda S. Rayor, and Maureen E. Carter from the Department of Entomology at the Cornell University, show that the larvae of butterfly feed by leaves of genetically modified plant ate less, grew more slowly and had higher mortality than those fed plain leaves or leaves dusted with pollen from a nontransgenic corn line.This publication has been criticized by many scientists. Their critics were about a number of weaknesses of the paper, the poverty of experiments quantifications, the use of inappropriate controls, and the preliminary work gathered no direct evidence that the B. thuringiensis toxin in the maize pollen was the cause of death.
The reason why I chose these two articles, and like them, is the way they talk about pros and cons of Transgenic plants. The transgenic plans are very useful and needed nowadays, since they have many pros. Among of transgenic plants' pros, we can mention that, Transgenic plants are environmentally friendly, farmers can use few pesticide. In addition to that, Transgenic plats provide increase in the crops production, sicnce they give an improved yield. This yield is improved in making plants that have disease resistance, pest resistance, and stress tolerance all contributing to yield. Besides of these pros of transgenic plant, there may be also the cons. Among of cons, there are some effects on non-targeted organisms, such as insects, in the food web. Moreover, there my be the movement of herbicide resistance to weeds.
My point of view on these two controversial articles is that the genetically modified planst have to be produced due to their high crops that they give considered with those which are unmodified. The studies and researches must be carefully done, in order to have negligible impact on non-target organisms. For any publication, they might be criticisms about it; this is what shows its value. When I read throughout those two articles, I found that the critics were valuable, because these scientists, they really did not finalize their work before publishing it. Moreover, they were not sure if the results they have gotten are confirmed with their hypothesis as accepted by one of them, Losey. Anyways, transgenic plants are very needed, but the studies must continue about them in order to reduce their cons.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
The Surgical Treatment of Breast Cancer
Breast Cancer is a cancer that forms in the tissues of the breast, usually the ducts (tubes that carry milk to the nipple) and lobules (glands, which make milk). It may occur in both men and women, although male breast cancer is very rare. The research shows that seventy-one percent of black woman diagnosed with breast cancer experience a five-year survival rate, while eighty-six percent of white women experience five-year survival. The first sign of breast cancer usually show up on a woman’s mammogram before it can be felt or any other symptoms are present. They are a lot of origin of breast cancer; risks for breast cancer include a family history, atypical hyperplasia, and delaying pregnancy until after age 30 or never becoming pregnant, early menstruation, late menopause, current use or use in the last ten years of oral contraceptives and daily consumption of alcohol.
The scientists discovered some treatment for breast cancer. A sentinel lymph node biopsy is a new technique. This technique was developed as a test to determine if breast cancer has spread to the lymph ducts or lymph nodes in the axilla without having to do a traditional axillary lymph node dissection. The research from the University of Michigan has discovered that the lymph ducts of the breast usually drain to one lymph node first, before draining through the rest of the lymph nodes underneath the arm. That is the lymph node that helps sound the warning that the cancer has spread. Lymph node mapping helps identify that lymph node, and a sentinel lymph node biopsy removes only that lymph node. The sentinel lymph node is identified in one of two ways, either by a weak radioactive dye that can be measured by a hand held probe, or by a blue dye that stains the lymph tissue a bright blue so it can be seen. Most breast cancer surgeons use a combination of both dyes. This procedure is new. The “best” way to administer the dye, which dyes to use, and the benefits and risks of the procedure in various situations, is still being studied. A traditional axillary lymph node dissection is the “tried and true” method, and is still considered the “gold standard”.
The breast cancer is a huge problem around the world especially for women. There is no quite way to prevent breast cancer. But there are a few things that all women can do to reduce their risk and help to prevent it if it is found at an early or more treatable stage. We can lower breast cancer’s risk by changing those risk factors that are under your control. We can do it by limiting alcohol use, exercising regularly, and staying at a healthy weight. There are a lot of institutions that help in preventing the breast cancer. If we join them and receive education form them we can live better with or without breast cancer.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Mastering Physics Chapter 31 Answers
Chapter 31
Skills Builders problems
Learning Goal: To understand the nature of electric current and the conditions under which it exists.
Electric current is defined as the motion of electric charge through a conductor. Conductors are materials that contain movable charged particles. In metals, the most commonly used conductors, such charged particles are electrons. The more electrons that pass through a cross section of a conductor per second, the greater the current. The conventional definition of current is

is the current in a conductor and
is the total charge passing through a cross section of the conductor during the time interval

The motion of free electrons in metals not subjected to an electric field is random: Even though the electrons move fairly rapidly, the net result of such motion is that
(i.e., equal numbers of electrons pass through the cross section in opposite directions). However, when an electric field is imposed, the electrons continue in their random motion, but in addition, they tend to move in the direction of the force applied by the electric field.

In summary, the two conditions for electric current in a material are the presence of movable charged particles in the material and the presence of an electric field.
Quantitatively, the motion of electrons under the influence of an electric field is described by the drift speed, which tends to be much smaller than the speed of the random motion of the electrons. The number of electrons passing through a cross section of a conductor depends on the drift speed (which, in turn, is determined by both the microscopic structure of the material and the electric field) and the cross-sectional area of the conductor.
In this problem, you will be offered several conceptual questions that will help you gain an understanding of electric current in metals.
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Cleophas Rwemera
Part A
You are presented with several long cylinders made of different materials. Which of them are likely to be good conductors of electric current?
Check all that apply.
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| ||||||||||||||||||
Correct |
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Part B
Metals are good conductors of electric current for which of the following reasons?
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Correct |
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Part C
Which of the following is the most likely drift speed of the electrons in the filament of a light bulb?
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Correct |
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Part D
You are presented with several wires made of the same conducting material. The radius and drift speed are given for each wire in terms of some unknown units
. Rank the wires in order of decreasing electron current.

Rank from most to least electron current. To rank items as equivalent, overlap them.
Correct |
Part E
The drift speed of the electrons in a wire depends strongly on which of the following factors?
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Correct |
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Part F
What quality must the charge density on the surface of a conducting wire possess if an electric field is to act on the negatively charged electrons inside the wire?
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The charge density must be |
| |||||||||
Correct |
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Consider the juncion of three wires as shown in the diagram.

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Cleophas Rwemera
The magnitudes of the current density and the diameters for wires 1 and 2 are given in the table. The current directions are indicated by the arrows.
Wire | Current density ( ![]() | Diameter ( ![]() |
1 | 3.0 | 2.0 |
2 | 5.0 | 3.0 |
Part A
Find the current
in wire 3.

Express your answer in amperes to two significant figures. Call current out of the junction positive and current into the junction negative.

Part B
Find the magnitude of the current density
in wire 3. The diameter of wire 3 is 1.5 millimeters.

Express your answer in amperes per square millimeter to two significant figures.

Same Value Problems
The electron drift speed is
in a metal with a mean free time between collisions of

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Cleophas Rwemera
Part A
What is the electric field strength?
2.28×10−2 N/C
The wires leading to and from a 0.12-
-diameter lightbulb filament are 1.5
in diameter. The wire to the filament carries a current with a current density of

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Cleophas Rwemera
Part A
What is the current in the filament?
Express your answer using two significant figures.

Part B
What is the current density in the filament?
Express your answer using two significant figures.

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Cleophas Rwemera
Part A
What electric field strength is needed to create a 5.0
current in a 2.0-
-diameter iron wire?


Wires 1 and 2 are made of the same metal. Wire 2 has twice the length and twice the diameter of wire 1. What are the ratios (a)
of the resistivities and (b)
of the resistances of the two wires?

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Cleophas Rwemera
Part A
Part B
The figure is a current-versus-potential-difference graph for a material.

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Cleophas Rwemera
Part A
What is the material's resistance?

Valuable value Problems
electrons flow through a cross section of a 4.00
iron wire in 5.00
. The electron density of iron is 

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Cleophas Rwemera
Part A
What is the electron drift speed?

A 2.9-
-diameter wire carries a 19
current when the electric field is 8.5×10−2

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Cleophas Rwemera
Part A
What is the wire's resistivity?
Express your answer using two significant figures.

The terminals of a 0.100
watch battery are connected by a 150
gold wire with a diameter of 0.200

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Cleophas Rwemera
Part A
What is the current in the wire?
0.873 mA
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